Saturday, February 22, 2020

International Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Logistics - Essay Example The grocery retail chain market in UK has become mature enough due to the presence of several potential organizations. The distribution strategy of Morrison is quite unique among the other retail players within the UK market. It is the only largest retail chain supermarket that owns and operates healthy and fresh food production and processing facilities. The organization has implemented vertical integrated distribution operation in the food category. This vertically integrated operation has helped Morrison to produce, distribute and retail enormous bulk of its fresh and unsullied meat and dairy requirements (Doole and Lowe, 2005, p.131). Moreover, this distribution structure helps the organization to process and package the fresh vegetables and fruits effectively. The organization has expanded and strengthens its manufacturing and distribution infrastructure in the fiscal year 2006 (Ruddick, 2013, p.1). In terms of manufacturing, Morison has expanded its in-house baking effectively and capacity by acquiring Rathbone’s 80% stake. The abattoir operation of Morrison was started to expand in the year 2005 by acquiring second facility in Scotland. The organization also has extended fruit processing and packing facility in Northamptonshire. Moreover, the organization has introduced a new warehouse in Rushden in order to package the vegetables. The organization has opened a fresh and new regional dedicated distribution centre at Kettering in the year 2005 (Furrer, 2010, p.233). It was estimated that this centre may save almost 70 nearby stores in UK. The global recession and European financial crisis in 2008 has affected international distribution and logistics structure of Morrison. Moreover several unfavourable reasons have resulted the fall in sales (plunkett, 2009, p.49). Despite of an extra trading date in the year 2011, the organization has reported 2.5pc sales drop. It is feasible that, the organization has implemented vertical integration strategy in t heir distribution channel (Mangan, Lalwani and Butcher, 2008, p.130). The major concern for Morrison is that, the sales figure has declined since the Christmas, whereas the other competitors, such as Sainsbury and Tesco have performed relatively well comparing to Morrison. According to Philips, limited numbers of convenience stores is affecting the business performance of Morrison. The organization has only 12 convenience stores. On the other hand, the other large competitors of Morrison have strong presence in the UK grocery retail market with numerous existing convenience stores. It is indicating that, the organization has limited access to growing division of the international grocery retail market. It is expected that, the organization may face several difficulties if they try to introduce new convenience stores in near future. According to Morrison, selling the grocery food products and vegetables through convenience store will be costly comparing to the selling food products i n traditional supermarket. Therefore, it is feasible that, the limited number of convenience store is hurting the sales of the organization. On the other hand it is affecting less to the business profit margins of Morrison. Moreover, the shareholders of Morrison are backing this particular old traditional sales strategy. The declined Christmas sales figure may create huge threat for the future perspective of Morrison. The organization is still utilizing supermarket chain model in order to sell their products. It is discussed earlier that, this

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion - Assignment Example It was conducted in a very harsh and cruel way not caring on the way it would influence the operations of the firm (Ivancevich, John M., Robert Konopaske, and Michael T. Matteson 2011). Operations in the military air force are not so political since they are rational and geared towards meeting the objectives of the organization since the operations of the firms are largely partially independent. Commandants and supervisors employ the evaluation in a way that the employees are not aware of any negativity. Managers and supervisors in the verge of making efforts to improve on productivity to improve performance and productivity in terms of productivity and growth are advised to always embrace the use of the tools such as rewarding jobs well done. A reward motivates and allows employees to improve on their effectiveness and efficiency. They as well make external employees to want to join the organization in which such measure are employed making the organization have access to a large pool of labor force. Rewards both intrinsic and extrinsic well applied has effected a realization of job satisfaction, which is supportive to welfare of the general employee fraternity (Ivancevich, John M., Robert Konopaske, and Michael T. Matteson 2011). When a country is faced with external attacks and the military is engaged in defending the country. Collective and individual rewards to the officer, who ranges from appreciation from the citizen, monetary rewards by the employer. Others such as leave after hard work and finally promotion of the officers engaged depending on the performance of each would realize rejuvenated efforts after the reward are implemented