Wednesday, May 6, 2020

William Shakespeares Othello as a Victim Essay - 1370 Words

William Shakespeares Othello as a Victim Not All Works Cited Included In Othello Shakespeare shows that Othello is victimised in many ways, for instance; his race, his culture, his social position and naÃÆ' ¯ve. Othellos victimisation could also show Shakespeares meaning of the term tragedy. In other Shakespearean tragedies the lead character is shown as cunning, ruthless and manipulative, more similar to Iago than Othello. This could represent a change in Shakespeares opinion of a true Shakespearean tragedy. The main cause of Othellos victimisation is his race. Unlike the other characters in Othello he is a Moor, a natural figure of hatred and disgust. In the play he is very rarely†¦show more content†¦In the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth century there where many wars between Christian Venice and the Islamic Ottoman Empire, Venice, at this time a large commercial capitalist Republic was often portrayed as the glories protector of Christendom against the eastern barbarians. The reason why Othello is compared to the Turks is because even though he has gone through the progress of communication and is an official member of the Roman catholic church, as he is a Moor he would always be considered a Muslim and never be a true Christian, so would always be victimised as a inferior. Also due to Othellos original religion he is accused of witchcraft, For an abuser of the world, a practiser Of arts inhibited and out of warrant. The art of black magic was strictly forbidden in Elizabethan society and was often linked to eastern culture and religion. For Othello to be accused with witchcraft would be taken very seriously and be considered an insult by the accused. Also the lack of clear evidence would suggest that this is just because of Othellos culture and race and may not be a completely serious claim by Brabantio. In Elizabethan society social order was often strict and binding, throughout the play the role that Othello plays can be questioned. At one stage he is considered aShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare And Domestic Violence .During High1006 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare and Domestic Violence During high school, students will tend to read multiple plays written by William Shakespeare in school. In fact, part of the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards set by Common Core included William Shakespeare’s plays. 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