Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Antigone And Creon (2406 words) Essay Example For Students

Antigone And Creon (2406 words) Essay Antigone And CreonMany dramatic theorists have documented their opinions of Sophocles tragic play Antigone. They have presented their interpretations as to the motives and moral character of Antigone and Creon. I will attempt to encapsulate the basic logic behind the arguments of the critics Brian Vickers, A.C. Bradley (who interprets Hegel), and H. D. F. Kitto, and venture my own humble opinion as to their validity. Brian Vickers clearly favors the character of Antigone. He challenges Hegel and Hegels view that both Creon and Antigone were essentially right in their beliefs. Vickers sums up Hegels theories in a single diagram (Vickers 526), showing Creon and Antigone as forces in antithetical opposition. I believe that Hegels theories of tragedy, as explained by A.C. Bradley, encompass much more than a simple diagram. Hegel thought that Creon and Antigone represented these forces, but not necessarily that they were diametrically opposed. Hegel thought that the tragedy of Antigone was that the beliefs of Antigone and Creon forced them into opposition, because their beliefs were valid and just, though they did not go about practicing their beliefs in a valid and just manner. Vickers presents the notion that Sophocles himself favored the character of Antigone, since Sophocles never criticized her. With this I must disagree; there were many aspects of Antigones character that Sophocles would not have included had he viewed her as above reproach. For instance, she is dreadfully overbearing and righteous. While Sophocles clearly showed he could paint the picture of a sympathetic character if he so chose in Oedipus the King, I believe that he deliberately made Antigone, frankly, a much more bitchy character than Oedipus. Oedipus displays sympathy and is emotive in ways that Antigone simply isnt, and that makes Oedipus the King much more tragic than Antigone. Here, Oedipus demonstrates his compassionate nature when he tells the plague-stricken citizens of Thebes how he feels for their distress (Sophocles 48):Poor children! You may be sure I knowAll that you longed for in your coming here. I know that you are deathly sick; and yet,Sick as you are, not one is as sick as I. Each of you suffers in himself aloneHis anguish, not anothers; but my spiritGroans for the city, for myself, for you. Oedipus will not be deterred in his search for the truth, no matter who tries to persuade him to abandon the quest (Sophocles 64): Oedipus: Do you know anything about him, Lady? Is he the manwe summoned? Is that the man this shepherd means?Jocasta: Why think of him? Forget this herdsman. Forget itall. This talk is a waste of time. Oedipus: How can you say that, when the clues to my birth arein my hands?Jocasta: For Gods love, let us have no more questioning! Isyour life nothing to you? My own is pain enough forme to bear. Oedipus: You need not worry. Suppose my mother a slave, andborn of slaves: no baseness can touch you. Jocasta: Listen to me, I beg you: do not do this thing!Oedipus: I will not listen; the truth must be made known. Oedipus conscious choice to pursue and accept his doom makes him a tragic figure. Bernard M. W. Knox, author of The Heroic Temper: Studies in Sophoclean Tragedy, points out that the hero has to choose between his doom and an alternative which if accepted would betray the heros own conception of himself, his rights, hisduties, but in the end the hero refuses to yield; he remains true to himself, to his physis, that nature which he inherited from his parents and which is his identity. (Knox 106) Therefore, one can see Oedipuss unwavering insistence to uncover the truth about the murder of Laius, and then about himself, as proof of the heros resolute commitment to uphold his own nature. Oedipus unyielding quest for the truth fits his self image as a man of action, the revealer of truth, and the solver of riddles. Knox adds that the heros determination to act is always announced in emphatic, uncompromising terms. (Knox 22). Oedipus proclaims his intention of finding Laius killers by sayi ng, Then once more I must bring what is dark to light. (Sophocles 49). The hero cannot be swayed by threats nor reason; he will not capitulate. Creon, after being accused by Oedipus of conspiring against the king, retorted, You do wrong when you take good men for bad, bad men for good. . . . In time you will know this well. (Sophocles 58). Oedipus, however, never learns in time; he remains unchanged. Oedipus, after his terrible self-mutilation, realizes that he treated Creon unjustly: Alas, how can I speak to him? What right have I to beg his courtesy whom I deeply wronged? (Sophocles 70). But later, Creon has to remind Oedipus that he is no longer king when he starts issuing imperious commands such as: But let me go, Creon!; Take pity on them; see, they are only children, friendless except for you.; Promise me this, Great Prince, and give me your hand in token of it.; No! Do not take them from me! (Sophocles 71). Sir. Baldric and The Evil Threshmit EssayOn to Hegel: Macbeth is as far removed as possible from Antigone, but is still of one nature (Bradley 89) with it. The death of Macbeth is much less tragic than Antigone, because Macbeth wasnt essentially a good man. Antigone was following the edicts of the gods in burying her brother and was doing rightly as far as she knew. I would agree that Macbeths death is less tragic, yet I feel worse for him than I do for Antigone. At least Macbeth was an emotive, passionate man, not a righteous machine. Hegel believes that all other things in tragedies being equal, the tragedy with the hero as a good man is more tragic than as a bad. The more spiritual value, i.e. Antigone doing her deed for spiritual purposes, the more tragedy in conflict and waste. The more evil a character, the less tragic his circumstances. Moral evil diminishes the spiritual value of personality. Because Antigone and Creon are trying to do what they feel is right at heart, their conflict has much stronger implications than the conflicts in MacBeth, since MacBeth was a murderer who wanted to ascend to the throne. Which is not to say that MacBeth isnt a tragedy, because it is much more than just a conflict between good and evil. Hegel believes that ethical or universal ends and justice have nothing to do with catastrophe. A tragic action is a self-division, or internal conflict, and the catastrophe is the annulment of this division, but this is only half of Hegels ideas. A catastrophe has two aspects, negative and affirmative. It is a power which is irresistible and inescapable, and negates anything incompatible with it. But if a catastrophe were only such an unintelligent, characterless force, it would invoke feelings of horror, with is not a feeling associated with tragedy (like pity and fear). It is also the source of our feelings of reconciliation. The catastrophe is the violent restitution of the divided spiritual unity, and some sort of projection of the division in the hero. So that there is some sort of paradoxical feeling in the inevitable death of the hero, when we die with him, yet exult or feel that his death means nothing. The hero escapes the power which killed him. Of the three critics and theorists, I relate to Hegel the most. He knows that Antigone and Creon are flawed beings, though they do what they feel is morally right. He realizes that they take their morality and let it become their personalities and define their actions, instead of just influencing them. And therefore, though worthy of sympathy, they are the masters of their fates, and choose their respective dooms. Hegel believed that the tragedy of Antigone lies in the conflict between the rules of the state and the rules of man. It is unfortunate that these two forces must be in opposition, and therefore their practitioners or champions in this particular case have to be in opposition as well. I agree with this; the tragedy is in the circumstances that pit two essentially right forces against each other. The morality of the characters determines the course of the tragedy, and their personalities and convictions determine the emotional power for the reader. English Essays

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