Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Representation of men in Hard Times by Charles Dickens Essay Example

Representation of men in Hard Times by Charles Dickens Essay Your Analysis To Show How Dickens Represents Men In The Novel. The extract introduces Mr. Bounder to the reader. He is introduced as being a proud, arrogant, factual man, displaying his dominance and is used by Dickens to represent men in the novel. This idea of Bounders pride and dominance is not unexpected due to the stigmas of the era, men were generally considered to be better, more capable than women. His factual nature Is also typical as It represents the theme of fact and fancy that Dickens has used throughout the book. Firstly Dickens makes It clear that Bounder is successful through the use of the ascendancy list he was a rich man; banker, merchant, manufacturer and what not which shows his some of his accomplishments in life as well as how influential he was in industry. This could be interpreted to demonstrate the many pursuits that are available to men, and their dominance of the business world. Mr. Granddad Is also mentioned briefly in the extract as Bounders eminently practical friend using the motif to represent him. The multiple modifiers suggest that the nature of men is very sensible, factual and elastic. We will write a custom essay sample on Representation of men in Hard Times by Charles Dickens specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Representation of men in Hard Times by Charles Dickens specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Representation of men in Hard Times by Charles Dickens specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Dickens uses the appearance of Mr. Bounder to give the audience an impression of the representation of men throughout Hard Times. The reader is introduced to Bounder as a big loud man, with a stare and metallic laugh. This dramatic declarative uses a metaphor to show how Inhuman, or emotionless/ detached men and Bounder can be, the metallic laugh suggests a certain coldness and robotic nature. The multiple modifiers In great puffed head and forehead indicates the intelligence of Mr. Bounder while also suggesting that he may be big headed and full of himself. This view is supported by the simile a man with a pervading appearance on him of being inflated like a balloon showing that Bounder is over inflated, full of wind and self importance. Dickens describes that Bounder talks with a brassy speaking-trumpet of a voice-Walt this metaphor showing that he talks blasting out what he has to say. It also links to the Idiom blowing your own trumpet, again showing how full of himself this character Is. This is again demonstrated with the noun phrases coarse material, swelled veins stained skin, although these also illustrate how undesirable and horrible Bounder is. Dickens states that he had not much hair. One might have fancied he had talked it off. The dramatic declarative uses a metaphor to indicate that Bounder is always speaking In order to get his pollen across. Furthermore it suggests that his factual nature may grow rather boring. Bounders hair Is also said to be constantly blown about by his windy boastfulness this metaphor may suggest that half the things he says are not true, or exaggerated. Through the appearance of Mr. Bounder Dickens gives a very harsh view of men, it seems he represents them as being egotistical, and lull of self-importance, as well as being generally unpleasant. They are also however shown to be practical and pragmatic. Dickens also uses Bounders actions and behavior throughout the extract to represent men In Hard Times. Dickens states and adverb sufficiently vaunt show that Bounder felt that there was never enough said about him and his less desirable past. The verb proclaiming also suggests this, demonstrating pride and arrogance. Bounder is named the Bully of humility in a metaphor indicating that he tramples over honesty, discretion and humbleness, heartsickness that tend to portray fancy rather than facts. As Bounder talks, he takes a commanding position which to subdue Mrs. Grandkid. The verbs, commanding and subdue show how he is pushing her down and putting her in her place, they additionally demonstrate the different social standings of men and women, women are lower while men are dominant. In conclusion, Dickens has used the descriptions of Mr. Bounders appearance and actions to demonstrate his representations of men throughout Hard Times. Men are shown to be egotistical, factual and rather unpleasant throughout.

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